i stare at computers for a living. my hobbies include reading, feeding myself, buying video games and then forgetting to play them, hitting things with my limbs, and staring at computers but not getting paid for it.
iaq (infrequently asked questions)
- why is this website so ugly?
- because i don't like css. next question.
- what's your favorite website?
- please tell me about the tools you use for digital security.
lol no one has ever actually asked me this but for reference: mozilla firefox (browser), duckduckgo (search), mullvad vpn (vpn), bitwarden (password manager), httpseverywhere/ublock origin/privacybadger/decentraleyes/clearURLs (browser extensions), authy/duo (two-factor authentication). if I was wiser I'd also insist on using e2e encrypted messaging services, but you can't have everything I guess. p.s. customize your privacy settings on every single app and service you use, and also check haveibeenpwned regularly. be safe out there friends.
- do you actually know the difference between contemporary and literary fiction?
- no way dude. is it marketing? is that the difference?